Figma Config 2024: Summary with Upcoming Paid Features

Figma's yearly design conference, Config 2024, has introduced a series of innovative features and updates poised to reshape the design landscape. Here’s a look at the key announcements and information on which features will be transitioning to paid plans and when:

Figma AI: Boosting Creativity and Efficiency

Currently in limited beta, Figma AI promises to be a revolutionary tool, allowing designers to transform concepts into reality with ease. This collection of AI-powered tools simplifies various tasks, including:

  • Make Designs: Quickly generate UI layouts and component options based on text descriptions, sparking new ideas and approaches.

  • Visual and Asset Search: Discover similar designs and components within your team’s work using images, sketches, or selections without any friction.
  • Automated Actions: Simplify tedious tasks such as prototyping, text rewriting, image generation, background removal, and layer renaming.

In addition to these powerful features, Yotako's Figma to WordPress AI plugin offers seamless integration for designers. This plugin enables you to convert your Figma designs directly into a fully functional WordPress website with just a few clicks. It's designed to bridge the gap between design and implementation, making it easier than ever to bring your ideas to life on the web.

While Figma AI is currently free during the beta phase, it’s expected to become a paid feature upon its official release in early 2025. Join the waitlist to experience the capabilities of Figma AI firsthand.

Revamped Figma UI: A Fresh Perspective for Design

Figma’s UI3, a redesigned interface, prioritizes a cleaner, more intuitive workspace. Key improvements include:

  • Immersive Canvas: Enjoy a distraction-free design environment that puts your creations in focus.
  • Component-Focused UI: Access and manage components with ease for a smoother workflow.
  • Modern Iconography: Experience a visually refreshed interface with a new set of icons.

Although the rollout is gradual, you can join the waitlist to be among the first to use the new Figma UI.

Figma Slides: Where Design and Presentation Converge

Figma Slides emerges as a powerful presentation tool crafted specifically for designers. Integrate Figma designs into captivating presentations with features like:

  • Flexible Templates: Choose from a variety of templates to create compelling stories.
  • Collaborative Creation: Co-create presentations in real-time with shared notes and controls.
  • Interactive Features: Engage audiences with live polls, alignment scales, and voting features.

Currently in open beta, Figma Slides is free to use. In early 2025, it will transition to both free and paid plans, so take advantage of the free beta to see what it can do.

Improved Developer Collaboration: Connecting Design and Development

Connect workspaces

Figma introduces a range of updates aimed at facilitating collaboration between designers and developers:

  • Ready for Dev View: Facilitate a smooth handoff by enabling developers to easily identify designs ready for implementation.
  • Focus View: Minimize distractions for developers by showing only the design element being inspected.
  • Status Updates: Improve communication through design status tracking and notifications for seamless teamwork.
  • Code Connect (Out of Beta): This robust tool links design systems to codebases, facilitating code generation and ensuring design consistency across frameworks.

Refined Features: Optimizing Your Design Process

Figma also introduces refinements to existing features:

  • Auto Layout: Experience a more user-friendly Auto Layout with the "Suggest Auto Layout" feature for automatically applying it to nested frames, and more.

  • UI Kits: Kickstart your designs with pre-made UI kits from Apple, Google, and Figma, now accessible in the assets panel.
  • Responsive Prototype Viewer: Preview your designs on different screen sizes with a responsive prototype viewer.

Beyond the Basics: Supporting Agencies and Freelancers

Figma recognizes the unique needs of agencies and freelancers, promising future improvements to simplify billing, collaboration, and project handoff.

A Glimpse into the Future: Figma’s Vision

Figma’s Config 2024 announcements highlight a dedication to innovation and user-centric design. By integrating AI, reimagining the UI, and strengthening developer collaboration, Figma empowers designers to create extraordinary products.

Whether you’re a seasoned designer or just starting your design journey, Figma’s latest offerings are poised to transform your design workflow and equip you to bring your most ambitious ideas to life. Stay tuned for these exciting updates and prepare for the upcoming paid features in early 2025.

Start your FIGMA TO WORDPRESS journey NOW - Choose your plugin below:

For more information and to explore the endless possibilities of Yotako, including our powerful plugins with AI Figma to WordPress and WordPress for Adobe XD, visit us at If you have any questions, or suggestions, or simply want to connect with us, please, join our vibrant Yotako community. We look forward to revolutionizing your web design experience!